Blog KaMi KoNSuMeR

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"Jika anda berbohong tentang sesuatu produk, anda akan didapati - baik oleh KERAJAAN, yang akan menghukum anda, atau oleh PELANGGAN, yang akan menghukum kamu dengan tidak membeli produk anda untuk kali kedua .

KUALA LUMPUR: Banks have been accused of using the shield of "productivity-linked wages" to deprive employees of their just rewards. 

"It is a shame that some banks which are making huge profits and which have introduced performance appraisal systems do not give any rewards to the lowest category of workers whereas in the higher category they continue to give them huge bonuses," said the general secretary of the National Union of Bank Employees (NUBE), J. Solomon.

He urged the Association of Banks Malaysia to look into this and address it immediately since this was not in line with the prime minister's vision of a high income society.

Solomon said the demands at work and targets set by the banks and the results achieved were not reflected in the wages of the lower income group in the financial services industry.
"As such, this category of workers survive on loans, thus compromising on their quality of life.

"This leads to social issues which society can ill-afford. We do not believe that the prime minister is encouraging bank workers to borrow to meet their daily basic needs."

As ABM endorses the mandate for collective agreement negotiations, Solomon said ABM should look into the welfare of their members' employees when considering the proposals from NUBE for the renewal of collective agreements.

He said members of NUBE had contributed to the success of the financial services industry and should be treated fairly.

A decent living wage was essential for workers in the country and this was a basic obligation of any nation towards its citizens, he added.

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